E-Mail: sctclibrary@sctech.edu

Griffin Campus Library

Monday thru Thursday: 8:00am – 5:30pm
Friday: 8:00am – 12:00pm
Closed Saturday and Sunday

Upstairs in the Technology Building
501 Varsity Road
Griffin, Georgia 30223
Map and Directions

Flint River Campus Library

Monday thru Thursday: 9:30am – 4:30pm
Friday: 8:00am – 12:00pm
Closed Saturday and Sunday
*New hours are temporary until further notice

Building B
1533 Highway 19 South
Thomaston, GA 30286
Map and Directions

Henry Center Center Computer Lab

Monday thru Thursday: 8:00am – 4:30pm
Closed Friday, Saturday and Sunday

Room 126
300 Lakemont Drive
McDonough, GA 30253
Map and Directions

Meet Your Library Staff

Denis barbour Denise Barbour

Director of Library Services

Griffin Campus

Carrie Darden Mitchell Carrie Darden-Mitchell


Griffin Campus

Cynthia blunt Cynthia Blunt


Flint River Campus

Autumn Pirone Autumn Pirone

Library Assistant

Griffin Campus

Robert Mcknight Robert Darrell


Library Assistant

Griffin Campus

Willow Squires Willow Squires

Library Assistant

Flint River Campus

hannah Dunn Hannah Dunn


Griffin Campus


Camilla Stegall Camilla Stegall

Library Assistant

Henry Campus

Computer Center


Taneka Dixon Taneka Dixon


Henry Campus Computer Center


Library Mission Statement

The SCTC Libraries’ mission is to provide quality academic library resources and services in support of SCTC’s adult education, dual enrollment, continuing education, and workforce training programs.
The SCTC Libraries’ mission is achieved through the following activities:

I. Acquiring knowledgeable resources.
II. Organizing resources for successful and efficient access.
III. Providing access to other libraries and information resources worldwide.
IV. Assisting users in finding the knowledge and information resources that seek.
V. Teaching knowledge and information research skills.
VI. Providing a setting that fosters study and research.
VII. Preserving materials for future use.

In addition to books, periodicals, documents, and non-print media, the library provides access to bibliographic and full-text journals, e-references, and e-book literature through numerous online and electronic resources.