Date Posted: January 15, 2025
Steve Hendrix, Vice President for Adult Education, recently announced that David Mason has been chosen to represent Southern Crescent Technical College’s Adult Education Program at the EAGLE (Exceptional Adult Georgian in Literacy Education) Leadership Institute in Atlanta. The Leadership Institute recognizes and honors those students who have demonstrated superior achievement in adult education classes and programs.
Prior to being named the SCTC EAGLE delegate, Mr. Mason was nominated by his instructor to participate in the local EAGLE competition. Adult Education instructors at Southern Crescent Technical College were each able to nominate students for this competition. From these nominated students, one student (called an EAGLE delegate), is selected to represent Southern Crescent Technical College at the State Leadership Institute. At the Institute, local delegates from technical colleges throughout Georgia will participate in a comprehensive program of professional development sessions focusing on increased leadership, communication and life management skills. Mr. Mason was chosen by a panel of judges and was judged on a speech and interview session. In addition to Mason, Ryleigh Brannen and TeedraNakia Robinson were also named for their outstanding achievement as nominees in the EAGLE competition.
EAGLE is the first statewide program in the nation that recognizes and rewards excellence among students enrolled in adult education programs. This student recognition program is designed to create greater awareness of educational opportunities that are available in local communities across the state and to foster greater involvement in lifelong learning pursuits.
The Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) through its Office of Adult Education (OAE) sponsors the annual Exceptional Adult Georgian in Literacy Education (EAGLE) Leadership Institute.