Research Tools

How to Use These Tools

Online Catalog:

The library’s online catalog, you can use the catalog to search for books available in the library and online e-books that the library has access to.

Gale Virtual Reference:

Access non-fiction e-books on a variety of educational topics, including technology, history, art and humanities, literature, and more.


Guides made by our SCTC librarians that are designed to support student research and exploration. Each guide is focused on one class or topic and suggests books, websites, and organizations for further research.

Cite Your Sources:

Here you can find various citation generator websites to help you save time on citations for assignments.

Films on Demand:

Video content that will both entertain and educate on a wide range of curricular subjects, including history,biology, business and economics, engineering, art and architecture, and more.

Learning Express Library:

An easy-to-use online test prep resource that helps people improve their core academic skills, earn a high school equivalency, prepare for college, and more.

GALILEO Research Database:

An online library portal to authoritative, subscription-only information that isn’t available through free search engines. Students may access over 100 databases indexing thousands of periodicals and scholarly journals.


Did you know we do virtual workshops every month? You can join us for free by choosing the day and time that best fits your schedule below! 

Virtual Galileo Workshops – Join us as our librarians guide you through using Galileo, a research database for – you guessed it, Research! This is a powerful and helpful tool for students who are writing research papers or assignments.  Virtual OER (Open Educational Resources) – Join us as our librarians guide you through introducing Open Educational Resources and how to apply them to your course curriculum.
Date Link
1/16 at 11:00 am View Workshop
1/31 at 2:00 pm View Workshop 
2/08 at 3:00 pm View Workshop
2/21 at 11:00am View Workshop
3/06 at 2:00 pm View Workshop
3/19 at 11:00 am View Workshop
4/11 at 3:00 pm View Workshop
4/24 at 11:00 am View Workshop
5/14 at 11:00 am View Workshop
5/29 at 2:00 pm View Workshop
6/12 at 11:00 am View Workshop
6/27 at 3:00 pm View Workshop 
Date Link
1/24 at 11:00 am View Workshop
1/29 at  3:00 pm View Workshop
2/13 at 11:00 am View Workshop 
2/28 at 2:00 pm View Workshop
3/07 at 3:00 pm View Workshop
3/20 at 11:00 am View Workshop
4/10 at 2:00 pm View Workshop
4/23 at 11:00 am View Workshop
5/02 at 3:00 pm View Workshop
5/29 at 11:00 am View Workshop
6/04 at 2:00 pm View Workshop
6/18 at 11:00 am View Workshop