Date Posted: July 25, 2020
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Southern Crescent Technical College (SCTC) has developed a plan for the return of in-person courses and labs for the Fall Semester beginning August 18, 2020. The plan details procedures for maintaining public health and safety, including adaptations to classes and operations.
Following guidance from the Governor’s Executive Orders, the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) officials, SCTC has been working to develop an operational plan that will serve as a roadmap for the college’s fall 2020 on-campus services.
For the Fall Semester, Southern Crescent Technical College will offer course delivery with a variety of options to fit the needs of each individual student. The following options will be available dependent on the student’s program of study:
- Fully online classes with no on-campus requirement;
- A hybrid/web-enhanced option where students have the opportunity to attend classes remotely and/or face-to-face, depending on preference. The instructor will provide additional guidance for course access.
Select classes and lab courses will be offered in-person with a limited number of students at a given time with strict social distancing measures enforced.
To reduce the spread of COVID-19, SCTC will implement multiple strategies to adhere to social distancing guidelines, including but not limited to: staggered class scheduling, adjusting class sizes, and flexible delivery options as appropriate for the course offering.
Additional safety and prevention methods have been incorporated such as installing plexiglass sneeze guards, increasing the number of times that classrooms and common areas are cleaned and disinfected, providing hand sanitizer stations throughout the buildings, and adding directional signage to ensure proper social distancing.
“Southern Crescent Technical College is committed to providing a safe, clean, and protective educational environment for everyone on campus,” says SCTC President Dr. Alvetta Thomas. “We want our students, employees, and guests to feel safe and secure while on campus and we are taking this virus and the safety of our students very seriously. For this reason, all SCTC locations have new safety measures in place, as well as social distancing guidelines, reminders, and signage marked where students, faculty, and staff frequently interact throughout each building.”
To further follow national safety measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the College will follow guidelines from the Governor’s Executive Orders which include wearing masks in public, frequent handwashing, and maintaining a social distance of at least six feet from other individuals. In the event of significant changes related to transmission of the virus, the College will follow appropriate guidance in making adjustments to on-campus services and course delivery.
Fall semester classes begin Tuesday, August 18, 2020 and there is still time to apply and register. Interested individuals should contact the SCTC Office of Admissions at admissions@sctech.edu or call 770.228.7348. Southern Crescent Technical College is working to make the transition into college simpler during these difficult times for all students by waiving the application fee for students, eliminating the placement exam requirement, and accepting unofficial transcripts for initial entrance. Additionally, SCTC is in the process of establishing WiFi access points in selected parking lots at each location so students can have adequate internet access to complete coursework and assignments.
In order to ensure adequate social distancing, SCTC offices are currently open during normal business hours by appointment only. Although appointments are highly encouraged, SCTC is prepared to accommodate limited walk in visits to the admissions, financial aid and the business offices based on social distancing considerations. In addition to the aforementioned, the College will continue online, virtual services and appointments.
For detailed information about appointments and campus access as well as SCTC’s full Fall Semester 2020 operational plan, please visit www.sctech.edu/covid-19.